Embrace the Complexity: Integrating Assessment Results into Client-Centered Feedback Sessions
Half day workshop, TBD
Event Description
Workshop presented at the Society for Personality Assessment annual conference in San Diego, CA by Pamela Schaber and Hilde de Saeger.

Providing feedback after a personality assessment is considered one of the most difficult tasks by clinicians. How to organize the amount of material in such a way that it does not overload the client, and also matches his/her needs and abilities. It requires from the clinicians a thorough knowledge of the tests, knowledge of theoretical models, and last but not least it requires a careful individualized translation of the test results to the life world of the client. The mentalizing ability of the clinician is often challenged; what is the client aware of - how will he/she react to the test results? What can (not yet) be accepted? In this workshop we will take a step by step look at the feedback conversation with the client. What possibilities are there? How can you best organize a feedback depending on the client you have? We will look at the pros and cons of organizing feedback according to themes, according to tests, and according to assessment questions.

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