Using the Thurston Cradock Test of Shame (TCTS) to Uncover Hidden Dynamics in Personality Assessment
TBD Half-day workshop
Event Description
Presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality Assessment in San Diego, CA by Julie Cradock-O'Leary

Shame is a profound sense of inadequacy and a belief that your core self is fundamentally flawed. It underlies and exacerbates many of the symptoms and relational difficulties of our clients. Shame defenses are often misunderstood as presentations of depression, aggression, interpersonal conflict, and other phenomena. Understanding the presence and dynamics of shame in our clients facilitates a richer and more accurate clinical picture.
This introductory workshop will teach the Thurston Cradock Test of Shame (TCTS), a performance-based storytelling measure deeply rooted in shame theory and designed to access the internal, interpersonal and behavioral aspects of shame. Actual TCTS protocols will be used to provide a brief primer on the topic, and to illustrate shame dynamics, defenses, and varying abilities to resolve shame-eliciting situations. Workshop attendees will learn the fundamentals of administering, scoring and interpreting the TCTS via didactic and small-group exercises.

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